20 Year Old’s $10K Monthly Success By Video Editing Agency | Ss1

5 min readNov 25, 2023


What Ss1 Is ?

My goal with starting this series of success stories is to provide advice to people who are just starting out on their path. Newcomers can gain insights into the paths taken by high achievers by studying the experiences of these individuals.

All of the narratives are true and could teach you more about the field you wish to pursue.

So, if you’re someone looking to learn video editing and dive into freelancing, this will help by providing you with a roadmap for your journey.

Making $10,000 a Month

At Just 20, He Already Has His Own Successful Agency and is Making $10,000 a Month

He began with video editing, but after learning about the industry and how modern marketers operate, he created his Owen Agency.
( This is the short from of the story ) let’s know how he did it —

As we all know, YouTube is a great platform to make some serious money, right? Well, our entrepreneur had the same idea.

He shot the video, but there was a big problem: how would he edit the video ? He didn’t even have a PC at that time. So, he headed to his cousin’s place to use the PC his cousin had and gave video editing a shot. Time rolled on, and then COVID hit.

Around that time, after many tries, he decided to splash out $700 on a computer and gave video editing another go.
This was hes investment in the busniess — — — — — — — — — — —

Afterward, he took the plunge and began pitching his skills on freelancing marketplaces.

( If you’re a freelancer, sending cold emails is a great strategy for acquiring more clients )

He sent out a hundred proposals and received no good response, but he didn't let that depress him. At moments like this, many of us could have a demotivation phase, yet he persisted in moving on.

This is one of the main causes of many people’s mistakes. 99% of people lose hope and take a different turn after a given amount of time. ( Losing hope is the last thing you want to do if you want to accomplish something )

He landed a full-time job at Barstool Sports as a video editor, and interestingly, it was from another country.

After dedicating two years to Barstool Sports, he found himself in a position where, for personal reasons, he had to quit the job.

The Change in Process —

He didn’t approach individual brands or creators to secure work. he skipped the B2C route.

What he did was propose to big agencies that already had a multitude of clients. His offer was straightforward — he didn’t require any credits, and they wouldn’t need to liaise with their clients. He committed to handling everything for just a 20% cut.

It turned out to be surprisingly more profitable than if he had chosen to collaborate with brands or individual producers.

This is a crucial lesson applicable to the business field — thinking outside the box. Instead of sending thousands of cold emails, reaching out to just one agency and potentially securing hundreds of clients is truly remarkable.

His approach to acquiring clients …...

Instead of diving into platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, where it’s a constant battle of competition, rankings, and SEO for gig visibility, he advocated for creating your own network on platforms like LinkedIn.

Building a personal network allows you to establish genuine connections, and once you gain the trust of one client, more opportunities are likely to follow.

Strategic Alliances: Enhancing Client Value Through Partnership

How can you convince agencies to give you their clients……………

Creating a Loom video is the easiest and most effective way to convince clients. An informative Loom video not only simplifies communication but also adds a personal touch that can significantly enhance your ability to convey information and build a connection with potential clients.


Networking is the most essential and crucial aspect of any digital agency.

Successful networking hinges on a value exchange — there should be something you’re gaining, and, in turn, the other person in front of you should also derive value from the interaction..

What is the Prospective you should follow —

Start Small, Adapt, and Invest in Essential Tools:

Begin with what you have, even if it means using a borrowed computer initially. Invest in essential tools as soon as possible. In this case, the entrepreneur spent $700 on a computer, which eventually became a crucial asset for his video editing business.

Persistence Pays Off:

Rejections and lack of responses are part of the journey. Don’t be discouraged; keep refining your skills and proposals. Persistence is key in a competitive field. The entrepreneur sent out a hundred proposals before landing a full-time job.

Utilize Freelancing Platforms Smartly:

Sending cold emails can be a valuable strategy, but it’s important to tailor your approach and not get disheartened by initial rejections. Consider freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr but be aware of the competition. Building a strong profile and emphasizing your unique value proposition is crucial.

Build a Strong Professional Network:

Instead of solely relying on freelancing platforms, focus on building a personal network on professional platforms like LinkedIn. Genuine connections can lead to more opportunities. One satisfied client can open doors to others.

Strategic Alliances with Agencies:

Instead of approaching individual brands or creators, consider proposing partnerships with established agencies. Offer agencies a straightforward deal, showcasing how you can handle everything for a percentage cut. This approach can be more profitable than dealing directly with brands.

Utilize Loom Videos for Effective Communication:

Creating Loom videos is an excellent way to convey information effectively. It adds a personal touch and simplifies communication. Use Loom videos to showcase your skills, explain your services, and build a connection with potential clients.

Focus on Networking and Value Exchange:

Networking is crucial for any digital agency. Ensure there is a value exchange in your interactions. What can you offer, and what can you gain? Establishing genuine connections can lead to partnerships, collaborations, and more opportunities.

Think Outside the Box:

Don’t limit yourself to traditional methods. The entrepreneur in the story found success by approaching agencies rather than individual clients. Think creatively about how you can stand out in a crowded market.

Adapt to Changing Circumstances:

Life circumstances can change, as seen in the story. Be adaptable and open to pivoting your approach or business model if necessary.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

The digital landscape is dynamic. Keep learning and improving your skills to stay competitive. Stay informed about industry trends and adapt your services accordingly.




Reading books captivated me, sparking a passion for writing.