08 Qualities Every Boss Adores in Their Employees

4 min readNov 28, 2023


As a newcomer in your role, attending your first meeting with your boss or department senior, there are certain qualities that seniors appreciate seeing in their junior employees, and particularly in you.

It’s crucial to make a positive impression by demonstrating the following key attributes.

08 Qualities Every Boss Adores in Their Employees


When it comes to decision-making, everyone appreciates someone who provides well-founded input. In a meeting, instead of expressing opinions like ‘Sir, I ( THINK ) this will help or this is better for the company,’

it’s more impactful to offer proposals or advice based on specific points. Providing concrete evidence or data to support your suggestions adds credibility and showcases a thoughtful approach to decision-making.

As an illustration, consider saying, ‘I observed that 70% of people engaged in this behavior, and based on that, I propose we take this course of action.’ By incorporating concrete numbers and data, you not only avoid making statements out of the blue but also present a specific point grounded in evidence.

Businesses highly value data-driven decision-making, and this approach not only garners attention to your suggestions but also enhances the credibility of your decisions.


One key aspect of communication is knowing the opportune moment to assert oneself, commonly referred to as “spiking.” Spiking involves expressing thoughts, suggesting ideas, or providing input during meetings, especially when interacting with superiors such as bosses or senior department managers.

Recognizing the right time to spike can significantly impact how your contributions are perceived and can play a pivotal role in shaping your professional reputation.

Timing is everything when it comes to spiking in a meeting. Rather than interrupting or speaking impulsively, wait for a natural pause or a suitable moment in the conversation. Look for cues such as the completion of a presentation, the end of a point being discussed, or a direct invitation for input.


In a meeting, it’s crucial not to confine yourself to a corner or remain silent throughout. Creating an impact from the start is vital because if you don’t, it becomes challenging for others to recognize your presence.

Actively participate by asking relevant questions about the topic, such as inquiring about its significance or whether a particular approach enhances or diminishes its impact.

This not only draws attention to yourself but also communicates to your boss and colleagues that you are highly attentive. Establishing this level of engagement contributes to fostering a respected perspective of yourself within the professional setting.


Maintaining a diary and diligently taking notes during meetings is a powerful strategy.Instead of merely listening, actively capture information and details in your notes.

This not only demonstrates a higher level of attentiveness but also conveys a focused and organized approach. People perceive those who actively document discussions as more committed and detail-oriented than those who simply listen passively.

The advantage of this perspective is clear: while someone relying solely on memory might forget important details over time, someone with a detailed diary ensures that valuable information is retained.

This practice not only enhances your personal recall but also showcases a proactive and responsible approach to your responsibilities.


Effective note-taking during meetings is a skill that can significantly enhance productivity, collaboration, and personal organization. Whether you’re participating in a brainstorming session, client meeting, or team briefing, the ability to capture and distill key information is invaluable.

This practice is not only simple and easy but also highly proactive. Sharing the compiled information after the meeting serves a dual purpose — it not only benefits you by reinforcing your understanding of the discussed topics but also aids others in the meeting.

The comprehensive notes make it easy for everyone to keep track of the details discussed. This proactive approach fosters a collaborative environment where information is readily accessible, contributing to improved understanding and more effective decision-making for all participants.


Following up after a meeting is a seemingly simple yet powerful practice that can leave a lasting impression on your superiors. It reflects attentiveness, commitment, and a proactive approach.

A brief follow-up email expressing gratitude, summarizing key points, and highlighting action items not only reinforces your engagement in the discussion but also serves as a valuable reference for all attendees.

This thoughtful gesture demonstrates your dedication to the team’s success, showcases effective communication skills, and reinforces your professionalism.

In the eyes of your boss, consistent and considerate follow-up is a top-notch quality that sets you apart as a reliable and conscientious team member


Problem-solving skills are a cornerstone of professional success, making a significant impact on an employee’s career trajectory.

The ability to analyze challenges, identify solutions, and implement effective strategies not only streamlines workflow but also positions an employee as a valuable asset.

Adept problem solvers showcase initiative, critical thinking, and resilience, which are highly valued traits in any workplace. Employees who actively engage in addressing issues contribute to a positive and solution-oriented work culture, earning the trust and confidence of their superiors.

Proactive problem solvers not only enhance their own job performance but also inspire confidence among colleagues and management. In the eyes of bosses, individuals with strong problem-solving skills are indispensable team members, capable of navigating complex situations and driving success in their roles.


Timely and thoughtful responses to emails and calendar invitations showcase your attentiveness and professionalism. Promptly addressing emails demonstrates respect for others’ time and a commitment to effective communication.

Additionally, accepting or declining calendar invitations helps in organizing schedules efficiently, signaling your dedication to collaboration and punctuality.

One’s professional status is enhanced by exhibiting traits including data-driven decision-making, strategic timing in communication, active involvement, careful note-taking, proactive follow-up, and problem-solving. These qualities not only win people respect but also establish them as important assets in any workplace.




Reading books captivated me, sparking a passion for writing.